Jason speaks with David Schirduan, Grant Howitt, and Andy Millar about their experiences with the 2017 200 Word RPG Challenge, as well as upcoming projects they are each working on.
Conversation with David Schirduan
Overview and history of the 200 Word RPG Challenge (01:00)
The 2017 Challenge (02:30)
Why do this challenge? (05:37)
The format (08:09)
Extra thoughts about the challenge (08:50)
Looking ahead (11:50)
Clink Kickstarter (14:15)
Giving Me Life - Guilty Gear (16:45)
Conversation with Grant Howitt
Mechanical Oryx (18:36)
The constraints of the contest (23:40)
The Spire Kickstarter (28:22)
Giving Me Life - Player Unknown Battlegrounds (35:36)
Conversation with Andy Millar
Route Clearance (41:00)
The constraints of the contest (50:38)
Upcoming projects (55:05)
Giving Me Life - The New Zealand Game Design Scene (58:19)
Clink Kickstarter
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