Sherri and Lowell bring on David Walker, a staunch community member, Super GM, and game hacker.
Show Notes:
00:00:51 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - Free from the Yoke - Rokugan hack
00:13:25 - Dave's Games Played and his Spotlight - Labyrinth
00:23:36 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Leverage
Second Segment -
00:39:26 - Dave talks about "hard hacking and rolling your own games"
Giving Me Life
00:53:33 - Sherri is relaxing into more cozy games
00:55:04 - Dave is not walking off the Staged show on Netflix
00:56:31 - Lowell is enjoying old Star Trek comics on Comixology
Jammi and Lowell bring on Darold Ross, author and gamer
Show Notes:
00:01:35 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Better the Devil Who Serves You
00:14:25 - Darold's Games Played and his Spotlight - Chekhov Society
00:27:48 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Vaesen
Second Segment -
00:38:46 - Darold talks about his game in development - Blood Ties
Giving Me Life
00:49:48 - Jammi is digging some slice-of-life anime
00:50:58 - Darold is reading lots of male-male romance novels
00:52:00 - Lowell is enjoying Judgment, a spinoff video game from the Yakuza series
Darold's story "Ripper in Red"