We talk with Zedeck Siew about his upcoming Kickstarter project—Reach of the Roach God; A Thousand Thousand Islands; gaming experiences, colonialism, and more.
This episode is the audio from an interview session for our Gauntlet Community Open Gaming weekend, our free online ttrpg con.
For more information see the A Thousand Thousand Islands site: https://athousandthousandislands.com/
Check out the Kickstarter page for Reach of the Roach God: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/centaurgames/reach-of-the-roach-god-part-of-a-thousand-thousand-islands
Shane and Jammi bring on Misha Panari, a newer Gauntleteer gamer and game designer.
Show Notes:
00:01:03 - Jammi's Games Played and Spotlight - Misha's Untitled Game in Playtest
00:12:02 - Misha's Games Played and Spotlight - Moth-Light
00:23:30 - Shane's Games Played and Spotlight - i'm sorry did you say street magic
Second Segment
00:36:33 - Misha discusses Bakamitai. a Yakuza-styled Paragon playset in development
Giving Me Life
00:50:14 - Jammi re-watched Die Hard and still loves it
00:51:37 - Misha rewatched the Argentinian TV show translated as The Pretenders
00:54:13 - Shane is feeling Virgo energy
GCOG Events are here: https://bit.ly/GCOGEvents
Find out more about the Gauntlet community here: https://bit.ly/Gauntlet-Community