This week, we talk with Grant Howitt about his upcoming projects, Chronicle and The Door, as well as a wide range of topics from Goblin Quest and Paranoia to Twitter and Hulk Hogan.
Grant's Games:
Grant says you should play Wushu!:
She's A Super Geek - Magical Girls One Last Job AP:
The Panasonic Toughpad Conference:
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This week, Kristen joins us to talk about underrated RPG mechanics and unexpectedly sexy medieval clothing.
This week's games: Dungeon World, In A Wicked Age, How We Are Like The Storm, Zombie Cinema, Night Witches
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Gauntlet Hangouts -
This week, Steve joins us to talk about dice analysis for crazy people and playing games with difficult subjects.
Games: Lost Legacy, Inigo Montoya, Jr., Dungeon World, One Night, Fiasco, Dead of Winter