Lowell brings on all the Gauntlet hosts to discuss their favorite games of 2021, with submissions from the Gauntlet community as well!
Show Notes:
00:03:12 - David's Favorite Games of the Year
00:10:33 - Community Member Selections
00:23:37 - Shane's Favorite Games of the Year
00:31:50 - Community Member Selections
00:45:15 - Rae's Favorite Games of the Year
00:54:07 - Community Member Selections
01:08:10 - Sherri's Favorite Games of the Year
01:15:25 - Community Member Selections
01:23:29 - Lowell's Favorite Games of the Year
Find out more about the Gauntlet here: https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/
If you'd like to support us, here is our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gauntlet
This GCOG Panel features Jamila, Shane, and Lowell will be talking about GM reactions-- costs, consequences, hard moves, soft moves, turning things back on the player and more. It's a 60 minute talk followed by a 30 minute Q&A.
For the past four years, Rich and other Gauntlet community members have run dozens of RPGs set in the Star Wars universe together. Rich hosted a panel this October with Will and Anders to talk about how they make it happen and why it's so darn fun.
This episode is the audio from a panel for our Gauntlet Community Open Gaming weekend, our free online ttrpg con.
We talk with Zedeck Siew about his upcoming Kickstarter project—Reach of the Roach God; A Thousand Thousand Islands; gaming experiences, colonialism, and more.
This episode is the audio from an interview session for our Gauntlet Community Open Gaming weekend, our free online ttrpg con.
For more information see the A Thousand Thousand Islands site: https://athousandthousandislands.com/
Check out the Kickstarter page for Reach of the Roach God: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/centaurgames/reach-of-the-roach-god-part-of-a-thousand-thousand-islands
Shane and Jammi bring on Misha Panari, a newer Gauntleteer gamer and game designer.
Show Notes:
00:01:03 - Jammi's Games Played and Spotlight - Misha's Untitled Game in Playtest
00:12:02 - Misha's Games Played and Spotlight - Moth-Light
00:23:30 - Shane's Games Played and Spotlight - i'm sorry did you say street magic
Second Segment
00:36:33 - Misha discusses Bakamitai. a Yakuza-styled Paragon playset in development
Giving Me Life
00:50:14 - Jammi re-watched Die Hard and still loves it
00:51:37 - Misha rewatched the Argentinian TV show translated as The Pretenders
00:54:13 - Shane is feeling Virgo energy
GCOG Events are here: https://bit.ly/GCOGEvents
Find out more about the Gauntlet community here: https://bit.ly/Gauntlet-Community
Lowell and David are joined by Will H., a Gauntlet GM, player, and pretty cool human.
Show Notes:
00:01:21 - David's Games Played and Spotlight - Voidheart Symphony
00:14:31 - Will's Games Played and Spotlight - Rust Hulks
00:27:29 - Lowell's Games Played and Spotlight - Trail of Cthulhu
Second Segment -
00:38:05- Will talks about Red Markets
Giving Me Life
00:55:29 - David is enjoying his new garden
00:56:04 - Will has been volunteering to help new refugees
00:56:58 - Lowell is immersed in Adventure Time stuffs
GCOG Events can be found here: https://bit.ly/GCOGEvents
Find out more about the Gauntlet community here: https://bit.ly/Gauntlet-Community
This episode offers advice, tips, and strategies for running one-shot ttrpg sessions. The unedited audio comes from a Gauntlet Community seminar run by Lowell Francis (@edige23).
Seminar Outline
Sherri and Shane bring on Jane Samborski, Gauntlet member and animation director of Cryptozoo
Show Notes:
00:01:02 - Shane's Games Played and Spotlight - They Came to Play Ball
00:07:52 - Jane' Games Played and Spotlight - Trophy Gold
00:16:09 - Sherri's Games Played and Spotlight - Godbound
Second Segment -
00:26:44 - Jane discusses her awesome movie Cryptozoo!
Giving Me Life
00:40:45 - Sherri is loving some generous gardens
00:41:17 - Jane learned how to roller skate
00:41:36 - Shane enjoyed the Olympics
Cryptozoo can be found here: https://www.cryptozoofilm.com/
Or look for it NOW in your local arthouse theater!
Jammi and Lowell bring on Thomas Manuel, Gauntlet member, game designer, and writer
Show Notes:
00:01:08 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Against the Dark Conspiracy
00:12:34 - Thomas' Games Played and his Spotlight - For the Queen
00:21:32 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Wanderhome
Second Segment -
00:34:03 - Thomas talks about the joys of playtesting
Giving Me Life
00:44:03 - Lowell is getting life from Olivia Rodrigo
00:45:08 - Thomas just finished Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles
00:45:58 - Jammi is digging the music of Orville Peck
Thomas's itch games can be found here: https://notrueindian.itch.io/
His newsletter is here: https://ttrpg.substack.com/
Sherri and Lowell bring on Matthew Arcilla - Gauntlet member and video game journalist
Show Notes:
00:01:12 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - Hearts of Wulin: Numberless Secrets
00:13:56 - Matthew's Games Played and his Spotlight - Paragon systems games
00:23:25 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Dune
Second Segment -
00:40:51 - Matthew talks about XBox Outsider!
Giving Me Life
00:51:42 - Sherri is digging the Nikki Up2U series of games
00:54:42 - Matthew is getting life from Twitch and Discord interactions with folx
00:57:20 - Lowell is enjoying A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Matthew's articles on XBox Outsider can be found here:
His Twitter is here:
Jammi and new co-host Shane bring on Blake Ryan, Gauntlet GM, and Game Designer!
Show Notes:
00:01:38 - Shane's Games Played and their Spotlight - Brindlewood Bay
00:10:16 - Blake's Games Played and their Spotlight - The Between
00:17:37 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Alice is Missing
Second Segment -
00:30:57 - Blake talks about having fun with game prep
Giving Me Life
00:40:08 - Shane is getting life from Ingrid Bergman
00:41:54 - Blake is enjoying George Michael's music
00:42:17 - Jammi is into V-tubers
Info about The Between writing contest can be found here:
Jammi, Sherri, and Lowell bring on Rich and a special guest - Greg Gelder to celebrate 200 episodes, and discuss "how to be the best player you can be."
Show Notes:
00:03:01 - Lowell's Topic #1
00:07:32 - Jammi's Topic #1
00:15:38 - Greg's Topic #1
00:21:13 - Sherri's Topic #1
00:28:44 - Rich's Topic #1
00:37:12 - Lowell's Topic #2
00:45:45 - Jammi's Topic #2
00:50:07 - Greg's Topic #2
00:55:37 - Sherri's Topic #2
01:02:02 - Rich's Topic #2
Giving Me Life
01:08:15 - Jammi adores a special picture
01:09:22 - Greg is into indie wargames
01:11:04 - Sherri is loving salsa
01:12:04 - Rich has been searching for a PS5
01:14:38 - Lowell is tickled by Cruella's backstory
Sherri and Lowell welcome their co-host Jammi to talk through their new Kickstarter!
Show Notes:
00:00:44 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Ryuutama
00:11:03 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - The Veil: Inheritance
Second Segment -
00:23:28 - Jammi talks about their Kickstarter for Once More Into the Void!
Giving Me Life
00:46:30 - Lowell is enjoying Can't Slow Down, an audiobook
00:47:43 - Jammi is geeking out over a Tarot of the Divine deck
00:49:33 - Sherri is loving new Forged in the Dark games in development
The Once More Into the Void kickstarter can be found here:
Sherri and Lowell bring on Oli Jeffrey of Sinister Beard Games.
Show Notes:
00:00:48 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - Neon City Overdrive
00:13:34 - Oli's Games Played and his Spotlight - Thirsty Sword Lesbians
00:25:30 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Kingdom 2nd ed.
Second Segment -
00:39:35 - Oli talks about Extreme Meatpunks Forever, the video game and the tabletop RPG coming to Kickstarter in June! check out meatpunksrpg.com
Giving Me Life
00:53:28 - Sherri is playing Monster Hunter Rise and loving it so much!
00:54:47 - Oli is digging the Pitch Meetings videos on Screen Rant
00:56:40 - Lowell is enjoying Studson Studio, a maker's YouTube channel
Studson Studio
Screen Rant Pitch Meetings
Jammi and Lowell bring on Danielle B from the Gauntlet community.
Show Notes:
00:01:27 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Under Hollow Hills
00:17:12 - Danielle's Games Played and her Spotlight - Iron Edda
00:32:11 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Last Fleet
Second Segment -
00:45:51 - Danielle talks about her gaming during the pandemic
Giving Me Life
00:54:36 - Jammi dove back into the Mummy movie series
00:55:30 - Danielle is happy with Hello, It's Me, a K-Drama on Netflix
00:57:12 - Lowell is enjoying the Teespring Gauntlet MERCH!
You can follow Danielle B. on Twitter - @Builtahouse
The Gauntlet Merch Store - https://my-store-11485297.creator-spring.com/
Lowell and Rich bring on Tomes of the Strategicon Games on Demand team to talk about ways to make your online con happen!
Show Notes:
00:07:46 - Best Practices for recruiting Guests and Game Facilitators
00:13:58 - Communicating with GMs / Game Facilitators: what and when
00:20:36 - Why you should consider having set time slots for your con
00:31:56 - Communicating with Players in your con's games
00:41:19 - Online cons can be lots of sizes
00:43:53 - Communicating with Support Team
00:44:49 - Communicating with Panelists
00:52:32 - Tomes talks about Gather.town !!!
00:59:32 - Things to Do Once During the Con
01:03:40 - Things to Do Once it's over
Strategicon can be found at strategicon.net
Story Games Glendale can be found here: https://www.meetup.com/storygamesglendale/
Tomer's Twitter handle is @tgurantz
Jammi and Lowell bring on Kalum of the Rolistes podcast
Show Notes:
00:01:05 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Night's Black Agents Express
00:13:25 - Kalum's Games Played and his Spotlight - Fate of Cthulhu
00:23:39 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Ma Nishtana
Second Segment -
00:35:44 - Kalum discusses whether Rules and GMing leave room for roleplay
Giving Me Life
00:44:48 - Lowell is getting life from Fairy Tail on the PS4, even though he isn't sure why
00:45:57 - Kalum has been digging WandaVision
00:46:32 - Jammi is jamming to an 80's vampire-themed Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/05x3RHvT0kPv410Uo3xZnT?si=GdtBixzPT2-rY27XTl5Beg
Lowell and co-host David Morrison bring on Edoardo Cremaschi.
Show Notes:
00:01:00 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Raccoon Sky Pirates
00:09:35 - David's Games Played and his Spotlight - Tales from the Low Cantrefs
Second Segment -
00:25:17 - Edoardo's Games Played
00:26:50 - Little Katy's Tea Party
Giving Me Life
00:43:48 - David is enjoying the TV show It's a Sin
00:44:24 - Edoardo is enjoying the Stellar Firma podcast
00:45:15 - Lowell is enjoying niche genre binging on spy media for his Night's Black Agents games
The Kickstarter for Little Katy's Tea Party: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grumpybearstuff/little-katys-tea-party-zinequest
Sherri and Lowell bring on Bethany Harvey: game designer, awesome player, and game facilitator for the Gauntlet.
Show Notes:
00:00:51 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - Spacewurm vs Moonicorn
00:11:22 - Bethany's Games Played and their Spotlight - Extreme Meatpunks Forever
00:20:51 - Lowell's Games Played and his Spotlight - Before the Endgame
Second Segment -
00:35:33 - Bethany discusses Unincorporated
Giving Me Life
00:46:50 - Sherri is loving her return to Diablo III
00:48:31 - Bethany is rediscovering Pokemon Go!
00:49:18 - Lowell is enjoying deep-diving Glorantha community content PDFs
Bethany's Itch store: https://bethanyharvey.itch.io/
Before the Endgame: https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/blog/age-of-ravens-before-the-endgame
Jammi and Sherri bring on Shane, an amazing GM on the Gauntlet.
Show Notes:
00:01:37 - Sherri's Games Played and her Spotlight - Brinkwood Legacy
00:13:45 - Shane's Games Played and her Spotlight - Naked City Blues
00:19:18 - Jammi's Games Played and their Spotlight - Gauntlet Book Club
Second Segment -
00:31:51 - Shane discusses her resolution to run games by trans and non-binary designers in 2021!
Giving Me Life
00:43:30 - Sherri is into the new Saved by the Bell
00:45:36 - Shane is baking!
00:46:36 - Jammi is enjoying Dragon Age Origins on the new XBox Series X
Lowell and Rich chat about how Gauntlet network podcasts are produced, with tips for future guests, and real nitty-gritty process talk for folks who might want to edit a podcast on their own!
Show Notes:
0:02:48 - Preparing to record your audio
0:11:38 - Next steps after recording
0:14:05 - The production process begins
0:15:46 - Compress Dynamics 1.2.6, a miraculous tool
0:17:59 - Noise Reduction, a lifesaver
0:19:26 - Cleaning your audio, a slow but necessary step
0:23:08 - Audio editing: listen, cut, move, and mark
0:30:31 - The Tom trick
0:31:36 - Reaction staggering
0:32:24 - Lowell's Q&A on some common production problems
0:38:27 - How to train your ear for audio production
An article on the Audacity effect called Compress Dynamics 1.2.6
Transom website Technique articles: