This week we are joined by Andrew Medeiros, co-designer of Urban Shadows and other fine Powered by the Apocalypse games. Here is a breakdown:
Games We Played
Hollowpoint (00:37)
The Watch (6:05)
Until Dawn(10:46)
Giving Me Life
Street Star (18:07)
Self-publishing (19:29)
Games with Massive Learning Curves (22:46)
Interview Segment
Urban Shadows (26:20)
The Forgotten (34:47)
Legends of the Guard (38:00)
Why PbtA? (41:28)
Drew's Inspirations (44:58)
In-production Heroines card game (47:39)
The Final Question (48:36)
The Gauntlet
Twitter: @GauntletRPG
In this episode, we introduce our new Game Advocates segment, starting with Dungeon World. Here are the time codes for this episode:
Games We Played
Bath Salts (00:23)
Remember Tomorrow (07:30)
Giving Me Life
Downsizing (19:00)
Comic Strip AP (22:57)
Main Topic - Dungeon World Advocate (26:59)
It's a short episode this week as we talk about the giant list of games we played over the holidays and what's been giving us life. Also, because the people demanded it, this week's show notes are new and improved with time codes:
*Games We Have Been Playing*
Time & Temp (2:49)
Heroine (4:21)
AW PBP (5:45)
Kapow! (7:50)
Mysterium (12:25)
Microscope: Union (15:14)
Regency Ladies (20:53)
Metal Showcase 11 PM (22:51)
Downfall (25:59)
*Giving Me Life (31:53)*
Fit Kids & Couch to 5K (31:53)
D&D Beach Reading (35:06)
Tiny quad-copters (39:02)